

Shungite that I own

Some of you may be saying “what is shungite?’ Shungite is a black stone that is defined as “As A. Doronina puts it, in her book Shungite, The Stone-Savior, ‘Shungite cures, rescues, purifies, heals, protects, normalizes, restores and even stimulates the growth.  It kills and devours anything that harms people and other living beings, and concentrates and restores all that is good.  The scholars who have studies Shungite in one voice declare, it’s a miracle.” (

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I believe in the healing power of crystals. I have so many crystals and salt rock lamps in my house and have for years. I have had so many people tell me my house is peaceful, and that is with numerous pets and/or children about. I have always attributed the peace to the crystals and stones. Mayhaps it is and mayhaps it isn’t.

So what does this have to do with shungite. Since Covid-19 had come about, I have worn a Shungite bracelet, I have given Shungite bracelets and stones. Because they are healing. And right now, we as a people and a planet need a lot of healing.

Apparently, Shungite purifies water. Yes, that’s right. It sounds crazy, but Shungite has carbon in it. And what does carbon do? Filters water. Go figure. (The Purifying and Healing Benefits of Shungite)

Shungite Baggie

The Shungite bag – see the carbon residue

Another thing that Shungite has in it is this thing called Fullerenes. I had never heard of Fullerenes so I returned to my old friend Google. Apparently Fullerenes can help by acting as a super scavenger and by helping regenerate tissues. This gets a little complicated for me, but I do know they have carbon in them, because the baggie that I have been carrying Shungite around in to give out to people that I care about, well, it has a black carbon residue, similar to coal. 

Any of you that know me know that science IS NOT my forte. But I have done a bit of research and in a government article this is what it says about Shungite. “The fullerene family, and especially C60, has appealing photo, electrochemical and physical properties, which can be exploited in various medical fields. Fullerene is able to fit inside the hydrophobic cavity of HIV proteases, inhibiting the access of substrates to the catalytic site of enzyme. It can be used as radical scavenger and antioxidant. At the same time, if exposed to light, fullerene can produce singlet oxygen in high quantum yields. This action, together with direct electron transfer from excited state of fullerene and DNA bases, can be used to cleave DNA. In addition, fullerenes have been used as a carrier for gene and drug delivery systems. Also they are used for serum protein profiling as MELDI material for biomarker discovery.”

So read this and decide for yourselves. Do you get some shungite and carry it? Do you wear a Shungite bracelet like me? It’s up to you. But really, ask yourself, what does it hurt? A little bit of hope goes a long way.

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2020-01-25 08.52.37-1Many people are probably going “aegerine?” What is aegerine (and while we’re at it, how do you say aegerine? Well, that part is harder to answer. I have heard 4 ways to pronounce this word on the internet. So, I can’t answer that question. So we will go with my pronunciation for now (which happens to be the first pronunciation I heard online)

My pronunciation:

ā ē’ gər ēne

But of course, you can use any pronunciation you like, because the internet,” who is the expert of everything correct, can’t agree. Webster’s Online Dictionary  says it is pronounced  ‘ā gə rēn.  So in other words, who knows? And does it matter? Probably not. As Shakespeare’s Juliet said “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. . .” Okay, that made me think, how do you say rose in another language. In Chinese it is “Méiguī.” Wait! “Méiguī?” That doesn’t sound as good as rose. Or does it? If you speak Chinese it may be a great sounding word.In Haitian Creole it is “Woz.” Or in Hindi it is “Gulaab ka phool”. Oh wait, I did just go down that rabbit hole,  didn’t I? Whoopsie. I even did it in front of the world. 

2020-01-25 08.52.26-1Alright, so back to this mighty stone. I love it. ♥ There is something about this stone that I feel viscerally. It’s either black or very dark green. 

So what does this stone mean? Well, it’s small but powerful.

  • It transmutes EMF. This is the abbreviation for Electromagnetic Field. So why does this matter? Well, EMF’s can be low-level, like cell phones and microwaves; x-fay machines are high lever EMF’s. The problem is no one knows when any individual receives too much EMF, therefore a stone that negates it can be a healthy choice. (
  • It cleanses the aura of negative energy.
  • It can act as an antenna to draw in high frequency energy, attracting light and positivity.
  • It can provide protection from psychic attack (Healing Crystals for You).
  • Can help heal depression.
  • Can be useful to those battling addictions.
  • Can help identify and shift negative thoughts.
  • Helps awaken Kundalini energy

Aegerine is a crystal. There is a modified form of iron present (Fe3+). It’s Mohs hardness is between a 5 and 6. (Wikipedia) Maybe one of the reasons I love this stone is that I am a Taurus and this stone is associated with Taurus. But I honestly just love the energy from this stone. It’s gorgeous and powerful.

2020-01-27 18.31.50

The three small pieces of aegerine

Anyway, I have 3 small pieces of Aegerine for sale for $12.00 each. Send me a message if you’re interested. Oh, and I ♥  love ♥  them all. When I took them out to take a picture of them I was like “wait, why am I selling these.” Oy vey. The addiction of a rock hound.


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Quite frankly, I had never heard of this crystal,  chrysocolla until I pulled this card from the Crystal Spirits Oracle. In fact, this crystal is so rare that Word Press is stating that I’m spelling it wrong and I’M NOT!!!

Doc - Jan 18 2020 - 11-40 PMSo, I was trying to figure out the best thing to do. As I’m studying metaphysics, I am torn between a couple of modalities. I do quite a few things, including tarot, oracles, crystal ball reading, mediumship, channeling, etc. So what to do! Oy vey! How to decide!?

So I turned to a new deck which I’m really excited about: The Crystal Spirits Oracle. First I must say this is a lovely oracle deck. It’s in a beautiful box and I’m really enjoying it.

So I prayed and asked Spirit for guidance. Then I shuffled and I pulled the Chrysocolla card. Whew! The basic premise for this stone and card is speaking your truth, heartfelt communication, and right speech. Wait! Not only is this true for me as a psychic, but it’s true for me as an attorney, a mother, a friend, a – you get my drift. This should be one of our basic premises for life (yes, I’m a Taurus with a Cancer rising and an Aquarius Moon, so go figure.

IMG_4856 (2)

As I read further in the book (yes, on an oracle deck like this I have to read the book). As I read the book I got the feeling (and the belief) that I can be a vessel for any of the modalities that I am interested in AS LONG AS I SPEAK THE TRUTH! Wow. That’s a powerful statement. I also know that I am not to filter the truth to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.

So after I pulled this card I researched the stone and then bought one. This is always my way of solving things. You should see my Amazon Prime cart.

This is what the internet says about this stone:

“Chrysocolla is a beautiful blue green crystal with a loving energy that will help you to allow change to take place in your life. It is a strong communication stone, with a heart based vibration that helps to create loving and inspired communication. . . “ (
There are so many occasions in your daily life where this crystal may benefit you. The action of this crystal may aid you to speak words of an inspired nature, which can be highly beneficial to others.

Essentially, as I read about the wonderful chrysocolla, I came to discover that it can be used with almost all of the chakras. Chrysocolla is a feminine stone or a goddess stone. It can help with emotional healing. As I’ve seen other psychics and spoke to others on a similar path I’ve been advised over and over that I’m a healer. The other day I was asked if it was physical or verbal. I, once again that Aquarius moon is surfacing, asked why I couldn’t do both?Today, I was talking to a woman and I was able to touch her heart by speaking the truth.

And I told her I loved her. And I do. In that namaste kind-of way – the Spirit in me sees the spirit in you. But that also came after a powerful attunement from Reiki II. But I do think that having this stone in your life,, can help facilitate that beautiful resonance with others – that namaste kind-of resonance,

Chrysocolla is found in many countries around the world, often near copper mines. Chrysocolla is often found mixed with other stones that are found near copper, including malachite and turquoise. Chrysocolla is found in Zaire, Zimbabwe, the Congo, Russia, Czech Republic, Spain, Britain, Australia, Indonesia, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Israel and the USA. One of the places it is found is in Arizona, which has had copper mines. One of these places specifically is Jerome, Arizona which is extremely haunted, because of the numerous deaths from the copper mines. It is on a steep hill and has a lot of interesting history. As I was looking for a piece of chrysocolla, I saw a lovely looking bubble piece of chrysocolla which is beautamous (yes, I know, it’s a made up word) which is on my radar.

I’m glad I pulled this card. I learned a lot. And I felt a lot. Oh, and I bought a piece of chrysocolla.

Today, I felt drawn to listen to the Ashkashic reading I had back in November. It too, helped me with my decision. I was told I am a medium. And a healer. But I was also told to not let my fears get in my way. So, now I know my calling as it were. And I am to speak the truth. But always with love. Truth without love can be cruelty and tyranny.

Namaste y’all. The light in me honors the light in you.

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IMG_4721Today, I’m going to talk about crystals and rocks. When a rock hound like myself (or many others) references crystals, and even some of the crystal books, they aren’t really talking about crystals they are often referencing rocks.

When I was using google chrome and put it “define crystal” this is what I received:  crystal is defined as “a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces”. When I go to Merriam Webster it gives the following:

“Definition of crystal

“1quartz that is transparent or nearly so and that is either colorless or only slightly tinged

2something resembling crystal in transparency and colorlessness
3a body that is formed by the solidification of a chemical element, a compound, or a mixture and has a regularly repeating internal arrangement of its atoms and often external plane faces
4a clear colorless glass of superior quality also objects or ware of such glass
5the glass or transparent plastic cover over a watch or clock dial
6a crystalline material used in electronics as a frequency-determining element or for rectification
7CRYSTAL METH broadly methamphetamine in any form when used illicitly


IMG_4719So based upon that, half the crystals, even in the The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall. It’s honestly a great book, but many of the alleged crystals, including the ones on the cover are not crystals, they are various types of rocks. For example, hematite (mineral), amber (resin),  coral (animal not stone), turquoise (mineral / gemstone), etc. However, the book is awesome and should be in every rock lovers library. Even some of the apps for my Iphone such as Crystal Guru and Healing Crystals, include stones and minerals that are not crystals. GRR.

Many people (including myself) think crystals have energy. Nicholas Tesla said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, IMG_4716frequency and vibration.” I find when I hold a crystal, I feel it’s energy. My house is full of crystals and stones, because of the energy. Over the years, many people have commented on how peaceful my house feels. I have salt lamps throughout my house along with many other types of crystals. (FYI: all pictures of rocks are mine.)

People choose to believe that crystals have energy or not. The same for crystal healing. Shortly after my son was born I was bleeding. My hemaglobin went from 11.5 to 10.6 in about 18 hours (normal range is 12 -15.5 according to Mayo). I purchased some herbs and some crystals and within 24 hours I had stopped bleeding. Some people would say it was the herbs. Others would say I would have stopped bleeding anyway. Or, some people like myself attribute it to both the herbs and the crystals. (If you’re interested I purchased bloodstone, carnelian, garnet and an apache tear aka obsidian (once again not a true crystal. Herb wise I got uva ursi, comfrey, red raspberry and black cohosh).

So, for me, crystals work, mentally and phsycally. As do herbs. Hence my house and life is full of them. Going forward, in this blog, this will be my assumption.

P.S. I believe this journey began when I received a geology kit for Christmas in 3rd of 4th grade. My sister received a chemistry set (she’s now a doctor). Anyway, keep those things in mind when buying your children gifts. Encourage their interests. Spark their interests. Let them find their own voices.

Namaster y’all. Sending light and love this morning.



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Bay Leaves and Manifesting

Bay Leaves are awesome. They add flavor and are healthy and can be used in bay-leaves-california-organic-1manifesting and smell good. We all should add more bay leaves into our food for all of the above.

So first, ever since I was a little girl I heard bay leaves were poisonous. LIE! NOT TRUE!!! LIE! LIE! LIE! Okay, but they don’t really soften up while cooking, so if you ate a whole bay leaf it could scratch your digestive tract or cut your tongue. But you can eat all the ground bay leaves you like. Humph! So there!

This spice has many active ingredients that are known to have been antiseptic, antioxidant, digestive, pain-relieving and is thought to have anti-cancer properties. Plus Bay Leaves are high in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, and riboflavin and Folic Acid. The oil of the bay leaf is an insect repellent. It has antiseptic, antibiotic and pain relieving properties. Oh, and to humans it smells good.

golden-crown-of-bay-leavesThe Greeks and the Romans believed that bay leaves brought wisdom and protection (the picture below is from

Bay leaves.2

Bay leaves are a type of laurel. The ancient Greeks put a laurel crown on the head of the winners at the Pythian games. This was sacred to Apollo. Apollo fell head over heals in love with Daphne, a Naiad (water) nymph. She was a gorgeous and a virgin, and wanted to stay that way. However, Apollo was in love with her and wanted her. She kept rejecting him. Finally, she turned to her father, a river god, and asked for help. He turned her into a laurel tree. Apollo used his magic and made her leaves evergreen. In the Greek language, the word for laurel is Daphne. The laurel then became the symbol of Apollo and for poetry.

(Some of this, including the picture, came from JzYejqOrWjdiWHdGUAX2nEd06FtjCTpPc8VTqE4Gvkc_ujuwMI.)

To use bay leaves in manifesting or in a ceremony (or whatever word is in your comfort zone) you will need a magic marker, a fireproof bowl, a lighter, and bay leaves (yes, I know this is a duh!) You can also use salt or sand but this is optional.

  • Set up your altar so that the bay leaves are on the left of the candle and the bowl is on the right if this resonates with you. For example, a left handed person might feel this is backwards. You can burn them on sand or on salt.
  • If you are wanting to manifest money, write how much you want to manifest. Or for example, today I wrote abundance and drew $$$ signs on them with a silver magic marker (silver for money of course).
  • Then light them, either with the candle or the lighter, and drop them in the fireproof bowl. Let them burn. When they are extinguished and in my opinion when the bowl is no longer hot, empty the bowl into the earth.

Another option is to release negativity by bay leaves. The concept is the same, but different, so at the sake of being repetitive, I’m going to repeat it.

  • Set up your altar so that the bay leaves are on the left of the candle and the bowl is on the right if this resonates with you. For example, a left handed person might feel this is backwards. You can burn them on sand or on salt.
  • Now write whatever you are wanting to release, for example, negative self-talk, anger towards ___________, fears, etc. If you like, take a few moments to think on the subject and be prepared to release them. As you watch them burn, release them. As they are burning, say out loud “I release my negative self-talk about being clumsy” or “I release my fear of tomorrow.”
  • After they’ve burnt, realize that those things no longer hold you captive. You have released them. When you empty the bowl onto the ground, you can repeat your affirmation of release.
  • It’s always good to fill yourself with someone good to replace something negative. Sing a song, play an instrument, think a happy thought. If the negative thought returns, repeat the song, the thought, etc. If you played an instrument, imagine it in your mind if you are in public (LOL).

So, you are burning bay leaves for manifestation. Are there any hidden benefits? That is a bit YES! (

  1. Burning bay leaves release linalool, which calms you mind and helps relieve anxiety.
  2. Burning bay leaves can help with inflammation, because it releases the chemical eugenol.
  3. Eugenol also boost the immune system.
  4. Studies have shown that using bay leaves (1-3 leaves per day) for 30 days helps with diabetes.
  5. Burning bay leaves or diffusing bay oil helps with fatigue.
  6. Ditto for alertness and concentration.
  7. Burning bay leaves or diffusing bay oil helps with respiratory infections.

Namaste y’all. Happy manifesting.


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Dragon’s Blood

Today, I wanted to look up Dragon’s Blood. Yes, that’s really sounding witchy. First, I do not consider myself a witch. But when I manifest I like to use candles and other items. I own Dragon’s Blood, so I googled it to find out what exactly it is used for.

First off, I discovered it is a real plant and has medicinal purposes. Go figure! I never would have guessed. Dragon’s Blood is actually a plant resin, which has dark red berries, which is how it gets it’s name. It has been used for dye, incense, paint, religious purposes, etc. It is mostly from the genus Dracaena and Daemonorops, which are actually beautiful and cool-looking trees.

Medicinally, Dragon’s Blood is used in bedsores and skin ulcers. The research was limited and should continue imo. Several studies have shown that dragon’s blood has antimicrobial propertiesm specifically from the Dracaena cinnabari genus. However, it is on the list of endangered species. Another use is for diarrhea and for stomach upsets. And there are studies that show that Dragon’s Blood could be helpful for diabetics. And finally, Dragon’s Blood has been shown to be an antioxidant. A really cool source for information on all types of herbs can be found at A Modern Herbal.

Spirtually, Dragon’s Blood is associated with voodoo and witchcraft. Dragon’s Blood is IMG_4632associated with women who want to receive an offer of marriage. It is also associated with good luck in both love and prosperity. It is said that the use of Dragon’s Blood will increase any other object. So, if a person is burning a prosperity candle, to take it up a notch (or several) a person could rub it on the candle. A person could also rub it on their wrists. If a person is wanting love, they could put it on rose quartz. If they are wanting to draw money, they could add it to citrine or ametrine (among others). If wanting protect or clearing black tourmaline, aegerine, etc.  This would be IMG_4631more of the Celtic tradition. It can be mixed with sage and put over the doors and windows to protect the home. This is referenced as to folk magic or earth magic and I can identify somewhat with that.

So, what do you do if you want to add Dragon’s Blood to your manifesting?

  1. Add if to your incenses or candles to increase the one you are burning.
  2. Use it to write upon parchment the name of someone you love, or something you want to happen.
  3. Wear it if you are doing astral projection or travel. BTW what I have in an oil smells good.
  4. Wear it at a seance or if you are working with entities that are questionable (not a good idea anyway, just saying).
  5. Sprinkle it in your house, with or without salt, as you sage your house for protections.

Namaste y’all.  Chat soon!

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Manifesting, Meditating, Prayer and Spells

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Happy 2020!

Happy New Year

The above picture is one I took on my first trip to Sedona, Arizona in 2015. To those of us in the metaphysical world, you don’t have to include the state. Sedona is enough. But for the rest of the world, well, you just have to include it. Anyway, I love Sedona. I am moving to Sedona in the next year and a half or so. Originally, my move date was August 1st, 2020. But as I was reading the cards they essentially told me that my move date was wrong. They didn’t say which way, they just said it was wrong. So I expanded the date.

So now, one of the things I need to learn is how to manifest better. I need to manifest my life in Sedona. I need to manifest my home in Sedona. In fact, just writing this blog is an act of faith in my dream because I am putting it out there for the whole world to see. Yeppers.

But I have started manifesting in the evening during / as meditation. I believe meditation is not as black and white as just meditating, but can be manifesting, trance, etc. For some people, prayer and meditation are the same. I’m not the meditation police. Now I have been trained to teach meditation, and I do many guided meditations. But I also believe manifesting can be part of it.

I recently had someone ask me if my manifesting was working. Well, I had just started manifesting something new that day (actually within that hour) and as such I had no answer. But I think that’s a personal question. It’s the same as asking someone if their prayers are working for them. No bueno!

I will say this about manifesting.

  • You must act as if it has already happened
  • You must be specific; however there are some caveats to that, such as you can’t manifest a certain person coming into your life. For example, I cannot manifest a weekend with The Weeknd. Just saying.
  • Everybody and their brother is trying to teach you how to change your life, but ultimately, only you can change your life and only you can manifest your changes.

I am currently reading the book “Ask and It is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. As I was reading this, it occurred to me why I was adopted. My mother was unable to have children. But she and my dad were meant to be my parents. So, in the Spirit World we contracted that they would be my parents but that my birth parents would give birth to me. I was born to the parents I was meant to be born to and adopted by the parents that were meant to raise me. It was an epiphany for me to have this full realization.

For me, 2020 is an 11 year in numerology. The way you get your number for the year is to take your date of birth, month of birth and the year we are in and add them up. So I was born on April 30th. 4+30+2020 = 2054. 2+5+4=11. You can further reduce it to 2 but 11 is a master number and this number brings higher intuition and spiritual insight, supernatural abilities, and increased sensitivity. This just confirms to me that I am on the right path at this time. If we look at the 2, this number is calling for me to feel harmonious and balanced. Now I’m going to do a few more in a box to assist you in deciphering your year number.

I have always been a woman who looks at signs. For example, I knew I was going to pass the bar exam because I found a Groupon for business cards, I found an inexpensive office and I had a client wanting to hire me. It was as if Spirit told me to calm down, it would be alright.

So, now about my move to Sedona. I knew I was going to need a different car. Actually an SUV. Guess what I purchased last Saturday? Because Hyundai sent me an email with a $50.00 gift card plus tons of rebates. Once again, I feel Spirit moving to get me ready to move. To me, that’s a sign that this is happening. I just have to trust that it will play out the way it’s suppose to.

P.S. If you need me to help you figure out your numerology for the year email me at

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Being Authentic

I have spent a lot of my life hiding my light under a bushel as it were. I am a Christian. I am a tarot card reader. I am a medium. I am a mother. I am a grandmother. I am a dogmom. I am a lawyer. I bet one or two of those made you pause.

I have always read tarot cards. The first time was in 8th grade. My mother’s great aunt read the cards.

I have always been a medium. The first time I had a truly psychic experience was when I was in elementary school. My uncle (Dad’s brother) was a medium. Uncle Spook (yes, that was his nickname) said he couldn’t even take a shower without being bothered by the dead.

I have also been a Spirit (God)-Believer since before I can remember. I mean, there was never any doubt. I just knew. I just talked to Spirit. Spirit was always present. I can feel Spirit. I can feel the presence of Spirit. I can feel the love of Spirit.

Jesus was a little harder. Only because so many bad things have been done in his name and even today, this misuse of his name is still being continued. I personally believe this is what the Ten Commandments meant by “thou shall not take the Lord’s name in vain.” I use to (halfway) joke that Jesus was sitting up in heaven and going “oy vey! What are they doing in my name?!” I still believe that. I believe Jesus came here to show us love, compassion, etc.

I had been known to say that Jesus was the biggest Public Relations (PR) scam in history. And then, I had my own Road to Damascus moment. (In case you don’t know, Paul had a vision of Christ on the Road to Damascus and went from persecuting Christians to being a Christian, Acts 9).

So what was my moment/ Well, let’s just say Spirit does not usually smack me like Paul was smacked. My clear moments are equally clear, just not as dramatic. (Darn! Don’t I deserve a miracle or two?)

My favorite apostle of all time is Peter. Big, blustery Peter. He was a fisherman. Do you know any fisherman? Well, me either. Just think oil field worker or construction worker and I think you’ve got the type of guy we are talking about. Muscled, talks too much, is crass, crude, etc. Oh, and never dis Peter to me. I love this man.

Then there was John. John was most likely Jesus’s cousin, the son of Elizabeth. Not 100% sure, but that’s the consensus of Biblical scholars.

Then there was Judas. I want to say boo, hiss, whenever I say the name. In Jewish homes, during Purim, the name of Haman is booed and hissed. Judas betrayed Jesus. But I have begun to wonder if maybe he didn’t just get the short stick, because it needed to be done. That’s another question I have when I get up to the spirit world (heaven).

So let’s look at the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus goes there with the disciples to pray. Judas betrays Jesus. Judas commits suicide. Peter follows behind at a safe distance. John follows along, not necessarily at such a safe distance, because his daddy is the high priest and he’s probably safe.

During the night, Peter denies knowing Jesus three times. Peter feels really bad about this. But wait. Where are the rest of the apostles? They are chicken. Bock, bock, bock and have run to hide. So for 2000+ years we have been dissing Peter, when it’s the other nine that really need to be dissed. Wait, that’s my problem with a lot of the church today. They are too busy looking at me (Peter) than to look at themselves (9 other apostles). Wait, that’s a different blog.

But Peter was there. That’s why Jesus said he’d build his church upon Peter. Because Peter at least had the balls (yes, I said balls) to follow behind instead of running and hiding. Peter had the balls to show up. I hope I’ll always show up, I’ll never back down.

But it gets better. 50 days later, on Pentecost, Peter stands up and preaches a sermon to 5000+ people. He goes from being chicken (bock, bock, bock) to being willing to preach and risk his life. Then, down the road, he is sentenced to be crucified like Jesus and asks to be crucified upside down, because he said he didn’t deserve to be crucified like Jesus (or so the legend goes).

Here’s where I realized Jesus couldn’t be a PR scam. How did a blustery, crude, uneducated fisherman go from being chicken-ish man to being willing to risk his life? I mean, following behind at a safe distance had a slight risk, but this! Also, how did someone like Peter go from being a crude fisherman to being able to command an audience of that size? Hmm. And remember, these audiences are use to watching death and mayhem. They definitely needed to be entertained. That’s where I got stumped. Because it isn’t as easy as all that. And then I realized. There had to be a risen Jesus. That’s the only thing that makes sense. I mean, all the rest of the apostles died horrific deaths (except John) so maybe there is something to this risen Jesus thing.

Okay, so does that mean Christianity is perfect. Hell to the no. No, no, no! I’m not even sure that Jesus was perfect. That may be one of the fallacies that we bought into during the last 2000 years. I don’t know. And guess what? I don’t care.

Just because Jesus lived, died and rose again does not negate the truths that Buddha taught. It does not negate tarot card readings as truthful tools for our good. It does not negate mediumship. That’s what the church did and does. Not Jesus. In not one place in the Bible do I hear him talking against other beliefs. Right? Right! So wait, if Jesus didn’t bash Buddha, why should I? If Jesus didn’t bash tarot, mediumship, crystal ball reading, etc. why do Christians? Well, that could be the biggest PR scam ever. A way for men in robes to control women and the poor and get money for themselves. But no, not Peter, or James and John, they saw Jesus raised from the dead.

We all know that the Bible as we know it wasn’t put together in a book until almost 200 years later. I looked it up, and they say that the first canon was 120 A.D., but some books weren’t included until roughly 400 A.D. There are people who believe that there are other books that should be included. Judaism has different Old Testament books, as does the Catholic Church. So, the Bible may or may not be all that accurate in what people said. I mean, it’s not like Matthew copyrighted the book of Matthew and had a say in what it said after his death. It’s not like there was a print shop down the road from the Upper Room. No, these books were hand-copied throughout the ages.

One of the things I find interesting about the Bible is that it seems like the Church allowed a few things to stay in the Bible, so that if a person is a seeker, they can begin to find esoteric knowledge there, to begin to go down the road to seeking Spirit. Yes, I just said that. Not everyone who goes to church seeks Spirit. Or maybe Spirit left it in so that it was always there for those of us who wanted more knowledge. I don’t know. But I do know I am tired of hiding my candle.

So 2020 (which for me is an “11” in numerology) is my year to shine. This is what I found on 11’s: “The number 11 is a Master Number which means that it resonates at an extremely high vibration. If the number 1 is about leadership, optimism, positivity, and initiative, Master Number 11 multiplies these attributes to a higher power. Master Number 11 is associated with spiritual illumination and our ‘inner teacher’.”

Namaste y’all. I’m excited to greet 2020.

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Who Is My Neighbor?

Mr. Rogers use to sing “won’t you be my neighbor?” Once he was questioned about who was his neighbor, and he said “whoever I’m with.” That really resonated with me because I don’t believe that God wants us only to look to the houses on either side of us. Well, does that mean the people on my street and the streets around me? No, I believe it means humanity.

There is an amazing song that is usually song in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon). No, I am not LDS. I am mostly Methodist. Just saying. But the song transcends church lines. The words are:

1. A poor wayfaring man of grief
Hath often crossed me on my way,
Who sued so humbly for relief
That I could never answer nay.
I had not power to ask his name,
Whereto he went, or whence he came;
Yet there was something in his eye
That won my love; I knew not why.

2. Once, when my scanty meal was spread,
He entered; not a word he spake,
Just perishing for want of bread.
I gave him all; he blessed it, brake,
And ate, but gave me part again.
Mine was an angel’s portion then,
For while I fed with eager haste,
The crust was manna to my taste.

3. I spied him where a fountain burst
Clear from the rock; his strength was gone.
The heedless water mocked his thirst;
He heard it, saw it hurrying on.
I ran and raised the suff’rer up;
Thrice from the stream he drained my cup,
Dipped and returned it running o’er;
I drank and never thirsted more.

4. ’Twas night; the floods were out; it blew
A winter hurricane aloof.
I heard his voice abroad and flew
To bid him welcome to my roof.
I warmed and clothed and cheered my guest
And laid him on my couch to rest;
Then made the earth my bed, and seemed
In Eden’s garden while I dreamed.

5. Stripped, wounded, beaten nigh to death,
I found him by the highway side.
I roused his pulse, brought back his breath,
Revived his spirit, and supplied
Wine, oil, refreshment—he was healed.
I had myself a wound concealed,
But from that hour forgot the smart,
And peace bound up my broken heart.

6. In pris’n I saw him next, condemned
To meet a traitor’s doom at morn.
The tide of lying tongues I stemmed,
And honored him ’mid shame and scorn.
My friendship’s utmost zeal to try,
He asked if I for him would die.
The flesh was weak; my blood ran chill,
But my free spirit cried, I will!

7. Then in a moment to my view
The stranger started from disguise.
The tokens in His hands I knew;
The Savior stood before mine eyes.
He spake, and my poor name He named,
Of Me thou hast not been ashamed.
These deeds shall thy memorial be;
Fear not, thou didst them unto Me.

This was written by James Montgomery in 1826, while travelling in England. He wrote it as a poem, never intending it to be a song.

Outside of the LDS Church it is mostly unheard, but it should be included in the repertoire of more hymnals IMO. Jesus himself said in Matthew 25:34- 46.” 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[f] you did it to me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Now we cannot make everyone our neighbor everyday or we’d be broke. I see so any beggars day in and day out. If I gave everyone of them something, I’d have nothing left. But how often do we drive by, never seeing that they are children of God. We share a common Father in heaven. My mother use to say “there but for the grace of God go I.”

So, today, I choose to make the world a slightly better place. By a kind word, a smile, a dollar, a meal. It can be different by different days. I will listen to the Holy Spirit and do as directed.

Namaster y’all. Go forth and minister to those that God puts in your path.

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